Republicans: When Did You Stop Giving A Sh*t?

Do you remember a couple of months ago, before Mitt Romney had sealed his spot as the Republican nominee for President? Do you remember what the general consensus was amongst Republicans?

I remember. The consensus was that he sucked. The consensus was that he’s a douchebag. The consensus was that he’d never win. The consensus was that he absolutely was not the guy. He was a big-spending governor with low job growth rates. There was simply no way we’d ever…

Oh, wait. We did.

So, what happened? Why the change of heart all of the sudden? Oh, that’s right… deep down, we really don’t give a sh*t anymore. Anything is better than a Democrat, right? But seriously… when did it come to this? Why is it that we are no longer capable of caring enough to find someone worth a damn to run our country?

I want to be a Republican. I used to be one. The problem is, they make me sick now. The talking heads pushing them make me even more sick. Remember what it used to be? It used to be ‘small central government, fiscal responsibility, and the government staying out of our lives’. All of the right-wing talking-heads and Republicans still say that this is what they stand for… this is what they’ll bring to office. When was the last time they actually did? They don’t do this anymore. They don’t. Wrap your thick f***ing head around this, please. Those days are over.

But it always comes back to ‘anything is better than a Democrat’.

Here’s a huge problem, though: you’re simply not allowed to think for yourself. You’re programmed to already be thinking that I’m a liberal because I tell you to think about voting for someone other than the douchebags running your party. It doesn’t matter that I voted for McCain. It doesn’t matter that I want to call myself a Republican. Why? Because you’re programmed to tune me out.

Why is that a huge problem? Well, it’s simple. Here’s something that the right and left know better than anyone: once you stop shopping the competition, the quality of the product goes waaaay down. But they want to keep you from shopping. And they’re good at it. And the quality now sucks. That’s why the guy who has been nominated as the Republican candidate for President is Mitt Romney. That’s why, suddenly, you are enthusiastic about President Mitt. That’s why he’s awesome now.

Unfortunately, he’s still the same douchebag you didn’t want to vote for a couple of months ago.

But he’s better than a Democrat, right? We’re headed for socialism… a total loss of religious freedom… huge increases in spending never before seen… dead fetuses littering the streets… the list goes on and on.

I wish that the party I want to be a member of wasn’t so stupid that they actually believe those things, but they are. It’s all a great distraction to make you forget that they no longer practice small central government, fiscal responsibility, and the government staying out of our lives.

The fact is that jobs in the public sector have gone down under a Democrat, and they went up under our last Republican. The fact is that under a Democrat, increases in spending have been at a slower rate than any President in history. Still too much? Yes, but less than the Republican predecessors. The fact is that Republicans want to be in your bedroom, and the Democrats don’t.

So, as I am aware, it makes me a liberal to criticize Republicans. It makes me a liberal to look at what the Republican mantra has always been, and say, “Hey… the other guys seem to be better at the mantra”. I’m sure everyone on the right is thinking, “Yeah, but what about socialized medicine?”, or “Yeah, but what about drilling for oil?”, or, “Yeah, but what about national security?”, or all of the other “Yeah, but…” things you’ve been told are occurring.  The ‘Socialized Medicine’ bill has a mandate attached. It’s a terrible bill which was designed to appease Republicans and all of our corporate lobbyists… but it’s far from socialism. Politicians on both sides hate the bill, though. That gives me hope. I’m glad, however, that someone had the balls to take on the issue. Drilling for oil? Energy? That has you scared? Just Google it. Look up the facts for yourself. Are we not drilling more now? And national security? I prefer taking out the guy who attacked our country and getting into as few wars as possible, while receiving actual help from our allies in the wars we do get into. That, to me, is national security.

The lies we have been told have made for a great distraction, folks. We decided to quit shopping the competition, and this is what we got. It’s time for Republicans to examine if ‘small central government, fiscal responsibility, and the government staying out of our lives’ is what we still stand for. Personally, I believe that it’s more important to keep those values as a list I refer to while shopping. The values are more important than voting ‘party line’. I’d rather have the balls to research who stands for what I believe in the most, as opposed to staying with a party that continues to deteriorate simply because they say they have those values while proving otherwise. Maybe if everyone did this, we’d have two bad-ass candidates running for office. But we don’t. And I guess that makes me a liberal.

But at least I give a sh*t.

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